Role: Directed, Produced, and Filmed by Tariq Muata with the support of Late BloomerSelf-produced narrative short Rainy Parade was the first combined effort from the core of what now represents Late Bloomer Cinema Arts Studio. This experimental piece explores the possibilities of a new approach to filmmaking that embraces a more fun, inclusive, style to shooting. With the help of over 5 different combined cameras and mediums we were able to create a masterpiece that immerses you into the beautiful world of these two individuals.
Director: Tariq Muata
Cinematographer: Tariq Muata
Actors: Justin Ofori-Atta, Selena Ramsarran
Producers: Tariq Muata
Assistant Directors: Axel Santo-Domingo & Finn Mccormick
Assistant Camera: Axel Santo-Domingo
Photographer: Catherine Tinh
Music: CRXSH